Food In Canada

New survey finds Canadians worry about rising food costs

Food in Canada   

Food In Canada Cost Government grocery Survey

Rising food prices worry nearly nine in 10 Canadians, according to a new survey conducted by Abacus Data (commissioned by FCPC).

The survey also found that 70 per cent of Canadians think food prices will continue to rise if the next government does not strengthen Canada’s food industry.

Abacus CEO David Coletto said “affordability anxiety” is a defining issue in the upcoming federal election.

“Across every province, demographic group, and political tribe – Canadians are worried about keeping up with the cost of living. Food prices are an important part of that equation, and voters are looking to politicians for concrete solutions.”

The cost of feeding a family of four is expected to rise by up to $400 this year. Amongst other factors increasing grocery bills, FCPC warned in April that grocery store consolidation and a challenging regulatory environment decrease choice, raise prices, and inhibit innovation. Canada’s food industry lost 12 jobs per day, every day, from 2013 to 2018.

FCPC CEO Michael Graydon said the new Abacus poll sends a crystal clear message to politicians.  “Canadians expect the government to make affordable food a priority, and they will vote with rising grocery bills in mind.”

“Food is fundamental to Canada’s future,” said Graydon. “Canadians are counting on government to help strengthen the food industry, so we can keep feeding Canadian families, buying Canadian crops, and creating Canadian jobs.”

The food industry employs more Canadians (300,000) than any other manufacturing sector, in 6,500 communities across the country, and buys 40 per cent of the food Canadian farmers grow.

More information on the survey here.

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