Food In Canada

Canada announces new initiatives for supply-managed producers

By By Carol Neshevich   

Regulation Dairy Meat &Poultry

Programs aim to support supply-managed producers and processors throughout the implementation of the TPP and the Canada-EU Trade Agreement

In an effort to support supply-managed producers and processors throughout the implementation of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Canada-EU Trade Agreement, the Government of Canada has announced a series of new programs and initiatives.

According to an Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada press release, the three pillars of the supply management system (production management, import control and pricing mechanism) will remain protected under both agreements.

The government’s new Income Guarantee Program will provide 100-per-cent income protection to producers for 10 years from the day the TPP comes into effect. Income support assistance will continue on a tapered basis for an additional five years, for a total of 15 years. There is $2.4 billion available for this program. Additionally, the Quota Value Guarantee Program will protect producers against reduction in quota value when the quota is sold following the implementation of TPP. There is $1.5 billion set aside for this demand-driven program, which will be in place for 10 years.

The federal government also announced two additional programs: The $450-million Processor Modernization Program will provide processors in the supply-managed value chain with support to further advance their competitiveness and growth; and the Market Development Initiative will assist supply-managed groups in promoting and marketing their top-quality products. To support this initiative, $15 million in new funding will be added to the AgriMarketing Program.

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