Food In Canada

Driving Green

By Food in Canada Staff   

Packaging Sustainability packaging Plastics

Nexeo Plastics Paves the Way with Sustainable Mobility Solutions

Revolutionizing the Road – Unveiling the Future of Sustainable Mobility

In the ever-evolving landscape of automotive manufacturing, Nexeo Plastics is taking the lead in driving sustainability with our portfolio of sustainable materials that includes the latest innovations from our suppliers. We’re committed to revolutionizing the road, from encouraging customers to adopt bio-based plastics to helping customers meet their net zero carbon goals. Let’s discuss the details of our sustainable solutions and their pivotal role in shaping the future of mobility.

Embracing Sustainability in Response to Environmental Concerns

The automotive industry is at a crossroads as it tries to respond to global environmental concerns and to adopt more sustainable practices. Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) are now prioritizing the reduction of their carbon footprints through Extended Producer Responsibility (“EPR”) programs and seeking to achieve end-of-life recyclability goals. Although legislation mandating EPR’s is being developed specifically for EV battery producers and packaging manufacturers, we expect this trend to spread to other automotive segments.


Our sustainable solutions aim to cover the entire spectrum of goals our customers are striving to achieve. We want to help customers minimize reliance on traditional plastics, reduce their own and their customers’ carbon emissions, and, in general, help everyone mitigate their environmental impact. Carbon mass balance, Circularity, or a combination of both have become the chief philosophies in the industry, and Nexeo Plastics has product solutions for each approach.

Key Features and Benefits

Currently, the sustainable options that are typically most appealing to automotive OEMs include a variety of commodity and engineered bio-based plastics, derived either directly from renewable resources, such as sugarcane, or through the mass balance approach using ISCC PLUS certifications for existing products. Both methods are often ideal to ensure compatibility with existing manufacturing processes for seamless integration. And the result? A reduced carbon footprint throughout the vehicle’s life cycle, achievement of end-of-life recyclability goals, and enhanced brand image and consumer appeal through sustainability initiatives.

Nexeo Plastics’ Differentiating Features

What sets Nexeo Plastics apart? We have access to both emerging and existing sustainable material options from large suppliers in the industry. With global ISCC PLUS approved facilities, we can maintain chain of custody for certification from our global suppliers to our customers.

In conclusion, Nexeo Plastics is driving change by providing sustainable solutions that not only meet the needs of the present but also pave the way for a greener and more sustainable future in the mobility industry. We are happy to answer any questions you or your customer may have. Join us on this journey towards sustainable mobility!


Taylor Burnham
Product Manager for Healthcare and Sustainability
Nexeo Plastics

Christian M. Sodeikat
End Market Manager – Mobility
Nexeo Plastics


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