Food In Canada

Webinar on Monday: ‘Food affordability & access – changes and trends impacting Canadian costs and supply’

Food in Canada Staff   

Food Trends Specialty Foods Food Manufacturing

The Globe and Mail and sponsors present ‘Food affordability & access – changes and trends impacting Canadian costs and supply’  Tuesday, September 29, 2020 | 1:30pm – 2:30pm Eastern. This webinar is sponsored by the Canadian Centre for Food Integrity and Athabasca University. See the agenda and speakers here.

This webcast will bring together food producers and experts to discuss the accessibility and cost of food in Canada. Throughout the pandemic, industries such as agriculture and livestock production have faced disruption and higher operating costs. At the same time, an economic downturn has created food insecurity for many Canadians. Join this event to be part of an expert discussion on long-term solutions for food affordability and access in Canada.

Discussion points:

– What is expected to happen with food prices in Canada, and what factors are impacting affordability?

– How has the pandemic impacted food security and how is the situation expected to evolve?

– How are Canadians viewing and valuing local producers in light of recent events?

– What actions and supports will help ensure an affordable supply of quality food throughout Canada?

Registrants, please send your questions to and we will try to answer them during the webcast.


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