Food In Canada

DFO launches first integrated marketing campaign featuring real dairy farmers

By Food in Canada staff   

Food In Canada Dairy

The Dairy Farmers of Ontario (DFO) is celebrating the rich traditions and deep-rooted values of Ontario dairy farmers in a fully integrated marketing campaign.
The full campaign was developed by agency No Fixed Address with research conducted by Northstar Research Partners. No Fixed Address lead brand strategy, advertising creative, digital, media and public relations.
The inspiring stories, that feature five real dairy farming families, draw a direct parallel between the high standards and practices of Ontario dairy farmers and the hand-crafted quality of the product they produce. This work is centred around a 60-second TV spot that showcases the life and values of a real Ontario farming family.
Shot in black and white, the commercial depicts both the personal and shared experiences that make up life on the farm. The voiceover is from the perspective of the father, who reads a heart-felt letter sharing his feelings with his children – hopefully, next-generation dairy farmers.
The spot ends with the tagline: “Dairy Done Right.”
“We wanted to focus on Ontario dairy farmers themselves and the deeply-held traditions and values that have been handed down from generation to generation,” says Sean Bredt, Chief Marketing Officer, Dairy Farmers of Ontario. “Our intent with this campaign is to reinforce and celebrate the values of hard-work, compassion and dedication true to both Ontario dairy farmers and the people who consume their product daily.”
The campaign runs throughout Ontario for three months. In addition to TV, the campaign includes a major out-of-home component along with social, digital, public relations and radio advertising all featuring actual Ontario dairy farmers.
OOH, also using portrait-like, black and white photography, brings to life individuals from the various family farms, with headlines that read: “Crafted Daily. For Generations,” or “Proud to put a face to our farm.”
“The dairy farmer story just tells itself,” says NFA Chief Creative Officer Dave Federico. “The passion and dedication of Ontario dairy farming families and the sense of pride that has been passed down from generations is completely authentic and sets the tone of this campaign in a very natural way.”
DFO will also be partnering with key influencers to share with consumers how dairy fits into a healthy and balanced diet for Ontario families and featuring local farmers through broadcast segments.
Dairy Farmers of Ontario is the marketing organization and regulatory body representing over 3,500 dairy farmers in Ontario.

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