Food In Canada

Webinar: Food Processing Skills Canada’s 2020 Labour Market Information Survey Report Findings

By Food in Canada staff   

Business Operations food processing labour webinar

Our next webinar series with CIFST  will feature Kevin Elder from Food Processing Skills Canada (FPSC), who will take us through FPSC’s in-depth analysis of the workforce challenges confronting food businesses in the country.  FPSC’s 2020 Labour Market Information Survey Report confirms some of industry concerns, but also provides new insights into workforce development barriers and growth opportunities.

A few of the highlights are that 61 per cent of respondents identified the availability of labour as a challenge and that Employment vacancies per company average 5.84 representing 15 per cent of the industry overall or just over 40,000 jobs across Canada. Kevin will take everyone through the findings and expand on some key areas and include some relevant information from other Food Processing Skills Canada reports.

The webinar will be held on March 17 at 12 p.m.

To register, click here.

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