Food In Canada

Cargill expands grain-handling capacity

By Food in Canada magazine staff   

Business Operations Cargill Inc.

Cargill responds to customer demand by increasing the storage and rail car handling capacity of one of its Manitoba grain elevators

Winnipeg – Cargill Inc. is expanding one of its grain elevators in Manitoba to increase its rail car handling capacity.

The grain elevator, which is located in Elva in southwestern Manitoba, primarily handles wheat, canola, barley and oats.

Cargill says the expansion will include increasing its storage capacity from 14,500 metric tones to 24,500 metric tones. The elevator’s rail car spot, which connects it to Canadian Pacific Railway, is also expanding to increase its rail car handling from 56 cars to 112 cars.

The company says the expansion came about as a result of increased customer demand.


“We knew we needed to expand in the southwest part of the province,” says Sheldon Spearman, Cargill’s Farm Service group manager.

“This decision comes from Cargill’s commitment to helping growers prosper by improving access to services for farmers in southwestern Manitoba and southeastern Saskatchewan.”

The company has eight grain elevators in the province, six of which are in the province’s west, including three in the southwest region, says Of its 12 primary elevators in Saskatchewan, five serve the province’s east.

Construction is set to begin the end of August, with completion expected by harvest 2013.


Throughout the construction customers will be able to continue to deliver grain and access the Cargill facility.

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