Food In Canada

Cult launches Noochies cultured pet food

April 27, 2023  
by Food in Canada Staff

Pet Food
Cult Food Science

Cult Food Science launches Noochies, the world’s first freeze-dried, high protein, cultured pet foods. The proprietary nutritional yeast blend, Bmmune, is said to contain essential amino acids, trace minerals and B vitamins. Noochies also includes a bioactive fermentation product, a strain of koji, that the company claims supports immune defence, gut microbial health, and gut function.

Noochies products are expected to become available in Q3 2023, but consumers and retail distributors can pre-order them.

“I am excited for the launch of Noochies pet food. Every consumer deserves more choice for their pets that maintains a high standard of nutrition,” said Lejjy Gafour, CEO of Cult.


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