Food In Canada

Federal and Ontario governments invest in Donini Chocolate

Food in Canada   

Business Operations Food In Canada Confectionery government of Canada Growing Forward 2 Ontario government

The Belleville, Ont.-based chocolatier will use this investment to create new jobs, increase productivity and strengthen its competitive advantage in in the sale and manufacturing of liquid chocolate

The federal government and Ontario government are jointly investing in a Belleville, Ont.-based chocolatier in an effort to create new jobs, increase productivity and strengthen Donini Chocolate’s competitive advantage in the sale and manufacturing of liquid chocolate.

The investment of $127,000 through the Growing Forward 2 program is expected to help support Donini Chocolate’s plans to continue to grow and expand by: creating five new full-time positions, increasing automation and labour productivity, enhancing processing capacity to meet needs of domestic customers, and expanding international sales through new business with a major U.S. chain.

“By investing in small and medium-sized agri-food businesses like Donini Chocolate, our government is helping businesses to expand and leverage new opportunities in both domestic and foreign markets. Growing Forward 2 is part of the Ontario government’s efforts to support our province’s growing agri-food sector by creating good jobs and strengthening the connection between farmers, food producers and consumers,” says Jeff Leal Ontario’s Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs.

Growing Forward 2 is a federal/provincial/territorial funding program that encourages innovation, competitiveness and market development in Canada’s agri-food and agri-products sector.

“Donini Chocolate is pleased to have the support of both the federal and provincial governments through Growing Forward 2. Growth has been the result of this partnership and to date we’ve hired more full-time, permanent staff to our team and signed a new contract with a large U.S. retail client,” says Joe Pulla, president of Donini Chocolate.

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