Food In Canada

Sachili, the flavour company redefining condiments & snacks

By Nithya Caleb   

Food Trends Specialty Foods Editor pick Ontario Ready-to-eat

In a world filled with mundane condiments, Sachili emerges as a game-changer, revolutionizing the way we elevate our meals. With a vision to provide clean, good-for-you, and flavour-packed options, Sachili offers ready-to-eat (RTE) ‘crunch toppings’. The company recently launched a gourmet popcorn line, which is 100 per cent vegan, gluten-free and GMO-free. Sachi Kittur, founder of Sachili, explains why her brand is not merely a spice company, but a flavour company seeking to offer consumers diverse and unique food experiences.

Why did you create a brand focused on RTE ‘crunch toppings’?

SK: The spice and condiment category has had very little to offer in terms of clean, good-for-you, and flavour (vs. just heat) products. As a health-conscious consumer (and busy working mom), I wanted something that could seamlessly elevate the flavours of my daily meals (eggs, pasta, salads, etc). This ‘sea of sameness’ category needed some innovation, so I created Sachili crunch toppings to address this gap.

What sets Sachili’s RTE crunch toppings apart from other condiments on the market? 


SK: Sachili’s crunch toppings strike the perfect balance of heat, savouriness, and sweetness, which is achieved through a unique slow-roasting technique that results in its signature crunchy texture. Outside of chili oils/chili crunch products that are making a huge comeback, we offer more flavour complexity and texture without being drenched in oil.

Sachili products are ready to eat, (no cooking expertise needed, cuisine agnostic [any cuisine, any meal, any time]) and all natural, made with five simple ingredients.

How did you come up with this flavour concept?

SK: This is such a common question. ‘Why do you not just call yourself a spice company.’


Spices are typically an ingredient. We are a ready-to-consume product.
In addition, our sophisticated (globally inspired) flavours and signature slow-roasting technique brings a unique punch of umami that differentiates us from products in the traditional spice category.

Coupled with our purpose “to inspire and excite consumers with clean, convenient flavour experiences,” a flavour company feels like a more appropriate label for Sachili’s brand.

Sachili recently launched gourmet popcorn. What made you decide to expand your product line into this particular snack?

SK: This product launch was fuelled by a lot of market research (vegan, clean snacks offerings) and consumer feedback.


To start, given the unique flavours and application of Sachili crunch toppings (any cuisine, any meal, any time), we wanted to find a simple application to introduce our flavours to consumers.

Popcorn has broad appeal and is an easier entry point for trial. Plus, the data tells us that the vegan snack category is expected to grow in double digits. Our expectation is that the addictive and innovative flavours of Sachili gourmet popcorn will entice consumers to continue in their flavour journey via other Sachili products, such as our signature crunch toppings.

Many popcorn brands are geared toward younger audiences with less focus on ingredient quality or nuance of flavour. We wanted to create something clean, convenient, and more sophisticated than plain old cheddar or butter-flavoured popcorn.

What makes Sachili’s gourmet popcorn stand out in terms of taste and quality compared to other vegan, gluten-free, and GMO-free options available?

SK: The reality is that there are a lot of basic popcorn options available that support clean, natural, and vegan preferences. But these often fall short in the flavour profile since dairy/cheese-based ingredients are typically what amp up this element.

Our two Sachili popcorn SKUs (Savoury Chili and Savoury Superfood) are an extension of our crunch toppings but we added other innovative elements such as pomegranate powder and sumac to bring a bolder (more flavour, less heat) experience.

We also use high-quality non-GMO popcorn and sunflower oil which supports our commitment to clean and natural ingredients.

What challenges did you face when starting and growing Sachili as a food brand? How did you overcome them?

SK: Anyone that works in the F&B CPG space knows how challenging this industry is. With rising inflation and ingredients costs, our margins continue to be vulnerable, yet the ecosystem of distributors, and retailers continue to charge (and in many cases increase) their fees. The business model in many ways is skewed toward high-risk in sustaining long-term viability and success. Having said that, many food brands continue to thrive and scale profitability. I decided Sachili will be in the latter category and my approach to overcoming these challenges will be simple. Continue to be relentless in my efforts to connect and learn from the industry leaders/founders to help anticipate the downs/challenges so that I can proactively manage a plan B. Resilience is the superpower that will support brand growth and success.

Where are your products sold?

SK: We are currently available online at and Amazon along with Ontario retailers such as Loblaws, Sobeys, Metro, Pustateris, and other independent stores. We will soon be expanding into the West Coast and Quebec and are launching into the U.S. in Q3 of this year (Texas and California).

Can you talk about the sourcing and selection process for the ingredients used in Sachili products? Do you prioritize any specific criteria or values?

SK: Absolutely. To start we tested our crunch toppings with a variety of cayenne chilis (our star ingredient) and realized that the high-grade/organic yielded the best flavour. So with this in mind, we used this as a standard to source from reputable, single-source suppliers. Ninety per cent of our ingredients come from the same supplier, which ensures quality standards are sustained.

How do you see Sachili evolving in the future? Are there any new products or initiatives in the pipeline that you can share with us?

SK: Our product roadmap has many R&D efforts at play. We will continue to focus on products that bring clean, convenience, and innovative flavour experiences. Expanding into other categories is something consumers can soon expect.

As a global flavour brand, Sachili will continue to expand on our purpose:
inspire and excite consumers with clean, convenient global flavour experiences

What advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs looking to start their food brands or businesses in the culinary industry?

SK: I have been fortunate to work with some of the brightest minds/CEOs/founders across a broad spectrum of industries. The common traits across every successful entrepreneur which I now bring to my journey are: staying focused/ in your lane regardless of external distractions; failures are a constant, so get used to this (keep learning, pivoting); there is no rush because slow, steady, iterative growth is what will eventually win the race.

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