Food In Canada

OIMP honours members, winners

By Food in Canada staff   

Business Operations Ontario Independent Meat Processors

Ontario Independent Meat Processors announces the winners of its Ontario Finest Meat Competition

The Ontario Independent Meat Processors (OIMP) announced the winners of its Ontario Finest Meat Competition.

The OIMP celebrated its members’ accomplishments and excellence at its 31st Annual Conference, The Meating Place, in Toronto.

More than 250 industry guests, including OIMP members and suppliers, and representatives from government and industry organizations attended OIMP’s Awards Gala on March 5.

The OIMP says its awards program pays tribute to members and recognizes their innovation. Laurie Nicol, the OIMP’s executive director, says meat processors “represent a critical step in getting quality Ontario meat and poultry products onto Ontario consumers’ tables.”



Carol Mitchell, minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, was on hand to present the 2011 OIMP Meat Industry Achievement award, which went to Halenda’s Fine Foods of Oshawa, Ont.

The OIMP presented the Lifetime Membership Award to Tony Facciolo of Holly Part Meat Packers of Palgrave, Ont.

The OIMP acknowledged Abattoir Brisson, Holly Park Meat Packers, L’Orignal Packing, Walnut Hill Farm, MMIS/MONDO and Nitta Casings (Canada) for their 25-year membership. Mueller Sausages, Food Supplies Company, and Multivac Canada each received a10-year membership plaque.


The OIMP presented awards to the winners of the 2011 Ontario Finest Meat Competition, which included 149 entries from 21 companies in 14 categories.

Halenda’s Fine Foods received the Ron Usborne Award of Excellence for the highest overall score of the competition, representing nine award-winning products.

A full list of the winners is available at

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